Staff Members

General Manager

Founder and CEO

Yohannes Mekonene

- High School Graduate From Bole Preparatory School.
- Psychology Graduate From Alpha College.
- President in Educational Institution.
- Sub-City and City Level Awardee.


Eden Awoke

- Atlanta, USA.
- Have a good Graphic designing skill.
- Experienced social media manager.

Application Staffs

Abrham Negash

- Bologna, Italy
- Expert to Italian Application.

Adoniyas Assefa

- US and Canada High School Application Expert.
- Experienced in Embassy Process.

Essay Writing Staffs

Abel Sintayehu

- Over 50 undergraduate personal essays written.
- Over 50 undergraduate personal essays edited.
- Over 80 supplementary essays.
- Over 5 graduate Statement of Purpose written.
- Over 5 extra-curriculars written and edited.
- Accepted essays at NYU and other institutions.
- A University student and Agelgil team leader.
- Hult Prize Winner.

Sitra Elias

- Experienced essay writer.
- wrote multiple log lines and synopsis for movies.
- Currently working as an English tutor, email marketer essay writer, and screenwriter.
- A computer science major with a TOEFL of 102.

Abeye Tewodros

- Bangalore ,India.
- Experienced Essay Writer.
- Published Multiple Contents for News and Websites.
- Awarded Merit Based Scholarship.
- Major in Computer Engineering(MACT).
- Working in Multiple Companies as a Content Creator, Social Media Content Creator, Essay Writer in many abroad companies and foundations.
- Published News, Articles, Projects and Patents.

Meskerem Mulugetta

- Experienced essay writer.
- Written creative content for blogs.
- Written proposals and theisis papers at masters level.
- Experienced with academic research.
- Awarded certificate for creative writing from Future Learning Program.


Hana Fikadu (Ambassador Leader)

- Completed highschool at Beteseb Acadmey.
- Have certified leadership skill, USA scholarship training and intentional development.
- Have worked as an ambassador and ambassador leader in some companies.
- Awarded other different certificate for volunteering and for participating different kind of club.

Desetaw Chane

- Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Gondar.
- Assistant Lecturer in University of Gondar.
- Experienced in Tourism Management and Working as a Tour Guide all over Ethiopia for two years.
- Have Excellent Social Networking, Leadership, and Problem Solving skill.
- Awarded different certificates for academic and other skill.

Abeer Mohammed

- Graduated Electrical and Computer Engineering from Addis Ababa Institute of Technology.
- Worked at Lonad Consultancy Voluntarily.
- Marketing and Sales Manager and Digital Marketer Critical and Innovative Thinker.

Yohannes Abebaw

- 5th Year Law Student at AAU.
- Have good Analytical Skill.
- Awarded different Certificates for Voluntary Service.
- Brand Ambassador for Canal +, Ride, DSTV, and Beu Delivery.

Melat Bekele

- Economics Student at Unity University.
- Worked for different Companies as Sales and Marketing Agent.
- Awarded different Certificates for Volunteering Programs.
- Have a good Communication and Problem Solving Skill.

Abdisa Melkamu

- Software engineering student in Addis Ababa Institutions of Technology - Have a good communication skill, leadership skill and probelam solving skills - Awarded different certificate for Academic skill

Bethel Milliyon

- High-school graduate from Hillside General Secondary School.
- Have great communication, leadership, and flexibility skills.
- Possesses many certificates from voluntary activities and academic achievements.

Yared Birhanu

- Graduate from Bruh Tesfa Academy, Jinka.
- Awarded different certificate for voluntary service and academic skill.
- Have good communication and leadership skill.

Eyerus Asfaw

- Graduate from Bashewam high school in Adiss Ababa.
- Awarded different Certificate in volunteer service.
- Mastercard scholarship winner.
- Have good communication and
leadership skill.

Gedion Daniel

- High school graduate from Kokebe Tsibah Preparatory School.
- Have excellent communication and leadership skill.
- Awarded different certificate for highly    academic performance.

Samuel Wondwosen

- High School Graduate from Bole General Secondary School.
- Higher Communication Skill.

Mahitot Belete

- 12th class at Haddis Alemayehu Special Boarding School.
- Have worked as an Ambassador with other Consultancy Company.
- Have an Excellent Communication and Marketing Skill.

Yared Deribe

- Highschool graduate from LIBA school.
- Have a good Communication Skill.
- Have a Strong Leadership Skill.

Gosaye Abera

- Graduate from Bole High School.
- Excellent Communication Skill.